Wednesday, December 17, 2008

How sweet it is!

On a phone call from New York my year and a half old granddaughter wishes me 'Ha-pee Noo-ga' (Happy Hanukkah). She says it so sweetly and carefully I break out in a big smile on the other end of the line. She speaks more clearly with each passing week. My mother was right...she told me I would see how enjoyable the grandparent/grandchild relationship would be. I remember when we took my other granddaughter (now three and a half) around the village center in Scarsdale and she would point and exclaim "..n'orah!" (menorah) whenever she would see one in a store window or in the park. Charming. And I have to hand it to my son's mother-in-law who lives with them and tends the children and has done a great job in being with the oldest child in furthering her Jewish education. She's quite a person!

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