Saturday, September 8, 2012

why do I have the same dream?

At least half a dozen times a year I have the same dream: I'm in the same office building, closely, where I worked for almost 13 years from age 27 to 39.5.  I'm frantically going up and down the halls looking for a toilet.  Finally I find one and, naturally, the floor has a huge puddle of water.  I can't sit on the toilet in time so I go all over myself.  While looking for toilet paper (there is usually none) I notice that someone has left the water running in the sink and the drain is disconnected.  I wake up shaking.  Why do I have to keep going through this ordeal?  Does anyone out there experience anything similar?  Help!....

1 comment:

Cassandra Jupiter said...

Hi Farnk. It sounds like an anxiety dream. I get those too. Some of mine are recurring, others are unique.