Thursday, August 28, 2008


For anyone who wants to be instantly transported back to the "innocent" days of crooning (i.e. Patti Page, Rosemary Clooney or Frankie Laine) I strongly recommend one of the best videos on You Tube I've ever seen: a vintage early fifties film clip of The Chordettes singing "Lollipop." The Chordettes (according to a commentary on the post) were a four girl singing group with four-part harmony that delights the ears and fills the soul with happiness. And don't just take my word for it: ask Saydee my three-year old granddaughter. The piano chords and deep bass rhythms send her into a joyful zone of appreciation as she looks at the video of the four women with their wavy hair styles of the fifties and their modestly strapless evening gowns and high heels. "I want to dance like that," she says bending her knees slightly up and down in time to the music. Josh has a great sound system with the computer screen so all the bouncy bass of the original fifties comes through just as it did on a jukebox 55 years ago in many a college student lounge.
But the best thing of all is the way the music can be used to restore immediate harmony in the house should things start to spin out of control between Saydee and her younger (15 mos.) sister who also loves the song. It's as though a magic wand is waved to erase the discord and create good will and cooperation. (It can also be used for bribery.) It is a kind of salvation to help us all though the day. In fact, we all love dancing to LOLLIPOP!

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