Sunday, March 9, 2008

Ice- cycles

My street has been devastated by the weather: crusted, rutted ice layers the whole strip so that people walking have to take quick little pigeon-toed steps like the elderly in order to walk their dogs. My wife is supposedly out chopping ice at the front of our druveway but I haven'ts een her in the last hour or so. Maybe she decided to go to Florida after all. Even if we could get out of the driveway, the car wheels are frozen in ice in my downhill garage. Inside, me and the dog are slowly going crazy. Once in a while she barks at me. Does this mean that she has to go outside? I've already had her out for a wlak in the park and I'm too tired to go again. My new issue of the New Yorker came last week and it seemed like 30 pages of ads and 12 pages of writing and the articles weren't very good. I'm trying not to eat too much of my bread as I don't know when I will be able to get to City again. I guess the last part of winter is always the worst.


Cassandra Jupiter said...

Move south!

Haik Bedrosian said...

...Seven days later.. it's gray and cold today... but maybe tomorrow...

The end of winter certainly can be agonizing, but at least it's the point furthest from the begining of winter.