Monday, October 1, 2012

The itty bitty spider....

Alittle spider lives in the corner of my kitchen between the baseboard heater and a 2"x2" side unit that has my TV on top.  Every once in a while I reach down to pick up what looks to me like some lint or a grain of some food, but it turns out to be the spider.  And if I try to catch one of the legs with my fingers,  the spider nimbly escapes into the darkness between the heater and the side unit.  I first started noticing the spider about a month ago.  It seemed to me that it was larger then, or more substantial.  It's body had a little shape to it - now it is just a simple tiny dot.  And its legs are so thin and spindly now that they can hardly be seen.  I wonder  if the thing is getting enough to eat - or if it's getting anything at all.  If I could catch it I wouldn't hurt it.  I'd just put it outside.  But it will probably expire, alone, in the dark corner.  It's funny: when I saw how frail it had become I felt sorry for it.  It seems ridiculous, but I guess every creature, human or otherwise, has a need to feel something for another being.  I remember how my granddaughter S. used to do the 'itsy bitsy spider routine....'

1 comment:

Cassandra Jupiter said...

S had a friend over today. They were playing a game. Unfortunately, S punched her friend in the face by accident. Instead of saying sorry and moving on like a normal well adjusted human being, she started crying and sulking. She then separated herself from her friend and couldn't even bring herself to say goodbye when her friend was leaving...
Hopefully this is just a terrible phase.